70927111333 / 9488411133 / (0413) 2228888 / 2224000 / 2229990

Dr. T.L. Vasudevan's

Decibel Audiology Centre

No.216, Lal Bahadur Sastry Street,
(Bussy Street), Pondicherry - 605001

Our Corona
Prevention Methods

Over the phone appoinment to avoid personnel visit for tokens.(Three landlines and a mobile number available)
Regulated time based appointment system to avoid crowding.
Foot operated "Hand Wash" facility at the entrance.
Automatic touch free "Sanitizer" dispenser at many places.
Temperature check up to detect any fever cases.
Social Distancing in seating arrangement.
PPE claden doctors and staff
Daily sanitation spraying of the clinic.
Auto claving of all the instruments daily.